“I believe that all of us can create our best life when we are empowered. We become empowered through questioning what is, becoming aware of what works for us and allowing ourselves to choose our greatest self.“


Hi I'm Christine

I was born in Calgary, Alberta – YES – it is true some of us originals do exist. I was a rambunctious child who was always getting into things, doing things, learning things and madly passionate about being outside. I was never the kid who sat in front of the tv screen. I would rather be outside making mud pies or riding my bike.

As I got older, I knew in my very being that I was to help people and primarily help them with their health. This started my first career in nursing. I loved being able to care and nurture my patients and it worked well for me….for a few years. There was always something missing. It took me a while and some personal reflection to realize that I was bound by too many rules and regulations AND appointed too many patients. I was still making an impact but it was too small for what I knew I could offer.

So from there I slid over to massage and bodywork. Now I was cooking with fire. I loved setting up the experience for each client and working with their bodies to release all of the pent up stress and tension that had accumulated from their “way too busy” lives. Over the years I added bits and pieces and whole trainings to my toolkit to add to and enhance the healing experience. My sessions were no longer “massage” sessions. They were now a full body experience that incorporates the physical, emotional and spiritual.

Why emotional and spiritual?

I have always been blessed with good health, though I have struggled with my own internal demons around weight. These struggles were all based on belief systems that I had picked up and absorbed along the way. Western medicine was not able to assist me. Drugs were not the answer. Counselling was not the answer.

Reconnecting with the true me was my answer.

Spending time in reflection, asking questions, meditating, working with spiritual mentors enabled me to finally release all of the baggage of no self-worth, guilt, shame, and the plaguing case of “I can’t because”.

Once these were released (and yes I am still working on me every day) I was able to step fully into who I am and what I offer. This I desire for my clients. As we work together, in the safe and warm atmosphere I have carefully crafted, we release it all. Yes you are getting an amazing massage, and at the same time we are releasing those pent up emotions and past memories that are no longer serving you and are ready to be released.

I know the wonderful changes that occur for me every time I release a layer and my deepest desire is to provide this environment for those I work with.

Most of my clients say a session with me is like “receiving unconditional love on the table”. This warms my heart.

I look forward to connecting with your heart and creating change in all areas in your life by supporting you through touch, allowance and release.

Shared Gratitude

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