Hospice End of Life Care

Providing hospice care is done through a philosophy of care rather than a treatment environment. This is to ensure that any other medical treatments are not contradicted while creating an environment of support, nurturing and comfort. Depending on where your loved one is at, we customize sessions to suit their needs.

If they are experiencing drowsiness – we do the sessions when the person is most alert. If the opposite is true, and they are unable to rest peacefully, we plan our sessions for the end of day to relax them into a state of calm so they call fall asleep easily and stay asleep.

If they have become unresponsive, we are very aware that they are still able to hear us. We engage them in conversation without requiring a response so that they know we are there and present with them and that they matter.

If they are confused about time, place and identity of those around them, we work with you to develop how to gently remind them and re-orient them through kindness and speaking calmly.

With my training of Bachelor of Nursing, loss of bladder or bowel control is handled in a way that respects their dignity.

As we work together, we also know it is imperative to keep them company at the same time. Allowing them to reminisce as part of the process of life review or discuss their fears of dying is done with non- judgement. We are there to listen and support. Everything is kept confidential in relation to licensing and governing bodies.

We approach all hospice care from the perspective of non-denomination. All beliefs, religions, and affiliations are honored.

To discuss further what services would benefit your loved one the most, we invite you to contact us at (403) 803-3146 for your FREE 30 Minute Quality of Life Consultation.

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